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The Miracle of Miracles

That Jesus Died and rose again is the greatest miracle that the world has ever and will ever experience.Man had lost his relationship with God in the garden of Eden and God was seeking for a way to get man back to Himself. For this reason, He had to give the greatest sacrifice- His only begotten son.
This showed the level of love the Father had towards you that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

What really is this Eternal Life??? This is the life Christ has made available to we that believe.A life of limitless possibilities, according to Revelations 5:12 we have risen with Jesus to a life of riches, power, wealth, honour, glory,`s all yours. All you have to do is just believe!!!!! 

Have a great week ahead and live the life of victory in Christ Jesus!!!! Dont forget to leave your testimony/comment.

Learn to Trust!!

Trusting God is one thing His children must learn to do. We must quit worrying and trust His bigness, His wisdom, His ability, His strength, His power....come to think of it many of us will feel more relieved when someone in a position of authority gives you assurance but you cannot believe God. why? you do not know Him. When you know God, you are able to trust Him.Matt 6: 28
Tips on Trusting God

  • Try to think like a child- a child will believe just about anything you tell him
  • Just let go and Let GOD have His way in that very situation....Trust me when i say He can handle it. From experience, ive learned to trust in Hm in every situation..when i say every i mean e-v-e-r-y!
  • Go to the word- Meditate on the word of God and your level of Faith will definitely rise
  • Call your christian friend or leader(pastor), let him know what`s up and a word of encouragement could go along way
  • If you dont have christ in your life, pls accept Him today as He alone can give lasting peace and joy that the world cannot understand. Just say this prayer: Jesu, thank you for dieing for me I aknowledge my sins and i repent of them. Lord Jesus come into my life and make me a new man.I believe I am saved, I will boldly confess you to my world and i trust in you today and always.. Amen
Have a blessing-filled day!!! and dont forget a comment or even a testimony from you could save a life........Leave a comment here

Contact Abiola Grace on +234-8067704671
 For your questions or counselling or any issue you are facing, you could call, email, or just leave a comment on this page. God bless you real good!!!


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