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I love this beautiful masterpiece writeup...

Someone sent me this issue she is presently faced with in her workplace, if u need to pray to analyze this, pray or sing or dance ๐Ÿ’ƒ as you read along ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Read this, it doesn't even need Prayers because ordinary sense is needed for this issues, after all to who God gave brain to,  you should  reason well abi sense is expected. 

Send me a message here to give your Opinion today. 


As she sat in her office / store-office today June 6, 2024 in Idiroko Ibadan,  she was given a query on a job that pays her N40k as a school Accountant/Bursar and she also goes out to purchase items for the school when the need arises. 

She also spoke about the fact that she has health issues and accommodation problem which her Boss knows about, but refused to respond to her need for help when her landlord was haraassing her and she needed an urgent help that left her stranded for days .... no job benefits,  no training,  just users/slave masters. 

... with her University degree and Professional diploma and I.T certification from NIIT with more certification in view ....

God is never a user of men like these individuals,  God doesn't scam you. When you work for Him, He will definitely pay you beyond your input. He's not a wicked fellow like your boss. 

(No be to brag o, but I just want to emphasize the STUPIDITY of some people.) Abeg you need to read this piece as a woman and share with your daughters... 

My Opinion: 

Certificate is not the point but knowing your worth as a child of God and a human being created by God! I just bursted into laughter as I saw the jargons query  she was given ...... ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜น some people stupid o... She even was told by this set of employers that they want to HELP her hahaha ๐Ÿ˜†. 

Abegi.... if someone wants to help you, that fellow will not STRESS YOU ๐Ÿ™‚. If that's all you can read from here, Hold it tight. Nigerian employers, directors or whatever is their dumb names are just slave masters...

 There are lots of things to do that requires absolutely no Certificate in Nigeria and you earn more than what all these Certificate-crazy people earn yearly... 

Click here to Message me for this MASSIVE OPPORTUNITIES if interested 

Some people will say Monkey dey chop, baboon dey chop. NONSENSE! 


Amazing Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala



That money you are asking a man to sleep with you and give you ; you can actually make it yourself and even much more . 

I could remember in 2020 , I walked away from a salary of N480,000.  

The following year ,  I walked away from N2.5 M to draft an agreement. 

The following year , I stepped up to an annual gross of N12,000,000. ( Twelve Million Naira ) but later walked away .  

I wanted more and I was confident I was worth more. 

2022, I set for myself another goal . 

This year , am still struggling with few ranges of worth and salary for my level. (self- acclaimed level  ๐Ÿ˜†). 

I was the youngest COO amongst my friends, At another phase I became a CEO in another big company , (not CEO self - employed)  and these companies ain't startups.  I was the smallest in board meeting but my brain was all I was interested to sell . 

The problem over those years was never salary, it's been "Retainership" because I kept getting better and looking for better opportunities. 

I was always stolen from other places or recommended  until I stopped working for anyone and decided to be on my own . 

We sell brains , not body .... It's more honourable 

[Don't worry I'll attach proof for doubting Thomases at the comments sessions ]

I have very young female bosses that earns more and I aspire to be like them . [ 27, 29, 30, 35]

So I set new financial goals every year and am always working hard to be better . ( But that's not the gist ). 

Some of you aspire to be like Saida Boj,

 It's your choice and I've no problem with it . 

If you feel you're entitled to 20M when a man sleeps with you or N500k the first day he says Hi' , it's your choice to have her kind as your mentor . 

But you must realize that every lifestyle has its own risk, so choose the one that the consequences are of lesser risk for you . 

It's mid night, and am thinking about the essence of all these hazardous life styles of our gullible young girls  . 

Alot of things may have happened in your lives , It could be want , lack of Contentment, poor background, peer pressure, economy situation. Etc . 

This post is not to sound arrogant of my person or judge any hook up girl but to assure the younger girls that you can have more if you work more on enhancement of  your brain and not the enhancement of only your body. 

Any girl who is involved in hook-up has low self esteem because you should know you are worth more . 

There's nothing wrong in having a relationship with a man but bargaining price for Sex and flying all the way down to sell your body ? For how much naw ?

How does it feel knowing that a man is on top of you just for the money he's paying you . 

He's going to rough handle you as desired because he payed for it, it's a service that ought to be satisfactory to his test . 

You've got no choice - however and where ever openings he wants to deal with you in. 

Some of these pigs are also vindictive , they must make sure your body pays heavily for the money you're paid so when you're done , you are likened to someone who was crushed by a 40feet trailer fully loaded with dangote cement .

Some will make you do the unimaginable and even ask you to sleep with their friends. 

I can't imagine how belittling any woman can feel . 

I feel sad , I am empathetic and sorry if you're in this kind of situation ๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚ . 

Listen darls, It's insulting for a man to offer you money you know you can make for yourself.. 

Sex is priceless, 

It's meant to be enjoyed with the right person,

It's not meant to be a product or service for survival 

You don't throw a pearl to a pig , 

It's too precious unless you've lost your esteem. 

You need a Psychotherapist to walk you through a PT session on self-reflection and a more in-depth exploration of self worth. 

I don't intend this post to be long 

"You can make much more than what you died for ". 

The above comment was what repeatedly rang in my head when I saw the news about Celine and Afiba. 

I challenge you ,  girl  !

-Get yourself a skill

- Get better at  it 

And the best company will even find it difficult to retain you . 

Your country will be scared to lose you . 

You can be valued , not just in bed but with your brain. 

I wish you well ♥️๐Ÿ’ž

"May the Lord forgive the souls of these girls and show them mercy. May he comfort their family and cover their shames ". 



#Inspiration -NgoziOkonjoIweala


Dominion is Authority

Glory to God who causes us to triump. Pray as you read along 

Lord, Speak to my Life as I read this. 

It is possible to understand Jesus Christ and yet be unable to reveal Him accurately. The Spirit of God is the one who can reveal Jesus Christ accurately. It's a mystery. You cannot just walk up to a man or woman and say to them, you must surrender to Jesus Christ today, there has to be a consistency in your outreach to them. 

In like manner, Relationship with Jesus Christ is a mystery. Jesus is known as the bridegroom and the Church is the bride. Its something that needs to be cultivated. 

You cannot continue in sin and expect God to be happy with you. He will see you as just a new friend, that kind of relationship cannot grow into new dimensions. Imagine yourself as a human having a relationship with another person and this person keeps offending you intentionally. This is absolutely a relationship spoiler. 

Even the Bible says WOE unto him that is the originator of offences. (Search your Bible to find out where it is). 

God can never be EVER be happy with you if you keep offending him and everyday, there's one thing you keep doing that will make Him angry that He created you. There has to be a true and absolute repentance from sin and you must know when this happens. That's true salvation!

I remember growing up as a church goer but I wasn't saved, my mother was a diehard lover of God. That didn't qualify me to be a Christian. I needed to have the experience myself. God used what we call sickness to draw me to Himself but He healed me by Himself all the time. Halleluyah. 

Now, talking about Dominion, The legitimate ground to let power function. God  created man to have authority on earth,  this was vested to him by God. There has to be a predefined jurisdiction as a child of God. Power without Authority cannot be efficient, God gave man Authority without conditions according to God's Servant as seen in God's word. 

U must first be a spirit and be spiritual to function as a man in full dominion.  You must cooperate with God and also participate in your own capacity. You cannot leave everything to God, just like a businessman praying for a contract without doing anything/ taking any action. 

If you are an executive Director of any company or organization,  u must have a particular position or office attached to this. You cannot just walk into any place and claim to be in Authority. The most relevant asset in the earth is man needed by God. All of creation can praise God but only man can work in partnership to see God's purpose established.  

Only man has the position. Psm 69:34. 

The heaven and earth can praise God but only man can work in partnership with God in praising Him. 

 Luke 22:3

Even Satan also looks for men to use... at that point, he now uses the authority of men. He would do anything to have this Authority of man. Even when Moses died, he was striving with the Angel for the body of Moses. 

So when u see dead people in your dream, its just demons using imagery to affect your thinking pattern, most times to cause fear and havoc. 

Been saved, you have authority over all these things. Since you have a body, you are been looked for by Satan for use, he prefers an unsaved person to influence their dressing, drinking and behavior generally. Eph6:10 

Your body become the sanctuary of the HolySpirit when you become saved. Don't mess with it through fornication, adultery,  drunkenness, etc. If you truly desire real Communion with God. Let me shock you,  many Christians have already been abandoned by God, He wants you to be either cold or hot. U cannot be in-between. 

The bible says, if you are in between, God will vomit you out of His mouth... I know someone who doesn't eat cold food, it must always be steaming hot. That's an example of God  whether you are praising Him or serving him in whatever capacity my friend BE ON FIRE. If you are seeking His face, do it diligently! Just like you run your business or you seek for money. 

(I know a particular tribe here in WESTERN AFRICA that can kill because of money) I'm not saying every tribe here is corrupt but this particular tribe made their country appear on the world's list as the top in the area of corruption. ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿค๐Ÿคจ. God help us!

Jesus said my Spirit I leave with you, the HolySpirit is therefore God in you. When u give your life to Christ,  you are giving God charge in your life and body thereby partnering with Him. 

The Spirit and the Bride says COME 

Jesus Christ death and resurrection was not a mere story. It happened and you need to understand that Jesus died for you. Now you have authority by been in Christ. Wherefore, God has so highly exalted Him and given Him a name thats above every other name, at the name of Jesus Christ all knees bow. ๐Ÿ™‡‍♂️ 

He becomes your Lord telling you what to do, you must obey him. Say this Lord Jesus I surrender to you today, I'm ready to do your will.  His will for you is to Serve Him. Ask for grace to live above sin and TEMPTATIONS. When you have Jesus as Lord, you stop struggling with sin. When He tells you what to do, please obey Him. It can be disastrous if you don't follow his leading. 

Where He leads you, go there... Life is too short to be making silly mistakes over and over again. 

Jesus wants you to surrender to Him and grow in Love with Him. It's only those in love with God that can enjoy the best from God. 

Are you not tired of eating crumbs from the table? Get into partnership with God now. 


The content of the article is from the Holy Bible and the inspiration from the Holy Spirit. 

The blogger can be contacted on for Blog design and web design services, Mobileapps development and online forum design, Graphics. 


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