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Advice to Employees


Written by: Tamboura Tamson

1. Build a home earlier. Be it rural home or urban home. Building a house after 50 is not an achievement. Let all your family have good time in your house, build more memories in your home.

2. Go home. Don't stick at work all the year. You are not the pillar of your department. If you drop dead today, you will be replaced immediately and operations will continue. Make your family a priority.

3. Don't chase promotions. Master your skills and be excellent at what you do. If they want to promote you, that's fine if they don't, stay positive to your personal.


4. Avoid office or work gossip. Avoid things that tarnish your name or reputation. Don't join the bandwagon that backbites your bosses and colleagues. Stay away from negative gatherings that have only people as their agenda.

5. Don't ever compete with your bosses. You will burn your fingers. Don't compete with your colleagues, you will fry your brain.

6. Ensure you have a side business. Your salary will not sustain your needs in the long run.

7. Save some money. Let it be deducted automatically from your payslip.

8. Borrow a loan to invest in a business or to change a situation not to buy luxury. Buy luxury from your profit.

9. Keep your life, marriage and family private. Let them stay away from your work. This is very important.

10. Be loyal to yourself and believe in your work. Hanging around your boss will alienate you from your colleagues and your boss may finally dump you when he leaves.

11. Retire early. The best way to plan for your exit was when you received the employment letter. The other best time is today. By 40 to 50 be out.

12. Join work welfare and be an active member always. It will help you a lot when any eventuality occurs.

13.Take leave days utilize them by developing yr future home or projects..usually what you do during yr leave days is a reflection of how you'll live after retirement..If it means you spend it all holding a remote control watching series on Zee world, expect nothing different after retirement.

14. Start a project whilst still serving or working. Let your project run whilst at work and if it doesn't do well, start another one till it's running viably. When your project is viably running then retire to manage your business. Most people or pensioners fail in life because they retire to start a project instead of retiring to run a project.

15. Pension money is not for starting a project or buy a stand or build a house but it's money for your upkeep or to maintain yourself in good health. Pension money is not for paying school fees or marrying a young wife but to look after yourself.

16. Always remember, when you retire never be a case study for living a miserable life after retirement but be a role model for colleagues to think of retiring too.

17. Don't retire just because you are finished or you are now a burden to the company and just wait for your day to die. Retire young or whilst energetic to enjoy waking up for a cup of coffee, enjoy the sun, receive money from your business, visit nice place that you missed and spend good time with family. Those who retire late, spend about 95% of their time at work than with their family and that's why they see it difficult to spend time with their family when they retire but end looking for another job till they die. If they don't get another job, they die early.

18. Retire at your house than at government accommodation so that when you retire you can easily fit into the society that raised you. It's not easy to adjust to live in a location after spending more years at company house or at government house.

19. Never let your employment benefits make you forget about your retirement. Employment benefits are just meant to make you relax, get finished whilst time is moving. Remember when you retire no one will call you boss if you don't have a viable business.

20. Don't hate to retire because one day you will retire either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Hope this will help you look at life positively.

— Tamboura Tamson

I love this beautiful masterpiece writeup...

Someone sent me this issue she is presently faced with in her workplace, if u need to pray to analyze this, pray or sing or dance 💃 as you read along 😆 🤣 😂 

Read this, it doesn't even need Prayers because ordinary sense is needed for this issues, after all to who God gave brain to,  you should  reason well abi sense is expected. 

Send me a message here to give your Opinion today. 


As she sat in her office / store-office today June 6, 2024 in Idiroko Ibadan,  she was given a query on a job that pays her N40k as a school Accountant/Bursar and she also goes out to purchase items for the school when the need arises. 

She also spoke about the fact that she has health issues and accommodation problem which her Boss knows about, but refused to respond to her need for help when her landlord was haraassing her and she needed an urgent help that left her stranded for days .... no job benefits,  no training,  just users/slave masters. 

... with her University degree and Professional diploma and I.T certification from NIIT with more certification in view ....

God is never a user of men like these individuals,  God doesn't scam you. When you work for Him, He will definitely pay you beyond your input. He's not a wicked fellow like your boss. 

(No be to brag o, but I just want to emphasize the STUPIDITY of some people.) Abeg you need to read this piece as a woman and share with your daughters... 

My Opinion: 

Certificate is not the point but knowing your worth as a child of God and a human being created by God! I just bursted into laughter as I saw the jargons query  she was given ...... 😆 🤣 😂 😹 some people stupid o... She even was told by this set of employers that they want to HELP her hahaha 😆. 

Abegi.... if someone wants to help you, that fellow will not STRESS YOU 🙂. If that's all you can read from here, Hold it tight. Nigerian employers, directors or whatever is their dumb names are just slave masters...

 There are lots of things to do that requires absolutely no Certificate in Nigeria and you earn more than what all these Certificate-crazy people earn yearly... 

Click here to Message me for this MASSIVE OPPORTUNITIES if interested 

Some people will say Monkey dey chop, baboon dey chop. NONSENSE! 


Amazing Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala



That money you are asking a man to sleep with you and give you ; you can actually make it yourself and even much more . 

I could remember in 2020 , I walked away from a salary of N480,000.  

The following year ,  I walked away from N2.5 M to draft an agreement. 

The following year , I stepped up to an annual gross of N12,000,000. ( Twelve Million Naira ) but later walked away .  

I wanted more and I was confident I was worth more. 

2022, I set for myself another goal . 

This year , am still struggling with few ranges of worth and salary for my level. (self- acclaimed level  😆). 

I was the youngest COO amongst my friends, At another phase I became a CEO in another big company , (not CEO self - employed)  and these companies ain't startups.  I was the smallest in board meeting but my brain was all I was interested to sell . 

The problem over those years was never salary, it's been "Retainership" because I kept getting better and looking for better opportunities. 

I was always stolen from other places or recommended  until I stopped working for anyone and decided to be on my own . 

We sell brains , not body .... It's more honourable 

[Don't worry I'll attach proof for doubting Thomases at the comments sessions ]

I have very young female bosses that earns more and I aspire to be like them . [ 27, 29, 30, 35]

So I set new financial goals every year and am always working hard to be better . ( But that's not the gist ). 

Some of you aspire to be like Saida Boj,

 It's your choice and I've no problem with it . 

If you feel you're entitled to 20M when a man sleeps with you or N500k the first day he says Hi' , it's your choice to have her kind as your mentor . 

But you must realize that every lifestyle has its own risk, so choose the one that the consequences are of lesser risk for you . 

It's mid night, and am thinking about the essence of all these hazardous life styles of our gullible young girls  . 

Alot of things may have happened in your lives , It could be want , lack of Contentment, poor background, peer pressure, economy situation. Etc . 

This post is not to sound arrogant of my person or judge any hook up girl but to assure the younger girls that you can have more if you work more on enhancement of  your brain and not the enhancement of only your body. 

Any girl who is involved in hook-up has low self esteem because you should know you are worth more . 

There's nothing wrong in having a relationship with a man but bargaining price for Sex and flying all the way down to sell your body ? For how much naw ?

How does it feel knowing that a man is on top of you just for the money he's paying you . 

He's going to rough handle you as desired because he payed for it, it's a service that ought to be satisfactory to his test . 

You've got no choice - however and where ever openings he wants to deal with you in. 

Some of these pigs are also vindictive , they must make sure your body pays heavily for the money you're paid so when you're done , you are likened to someone who was crushed by a 40feet trailer fully loaded with dangote cement .

Some will make you do the unimaginable and even ask you to sleep with their friends. 

I can't imagine how belittling any woman can feel . 

I feel sad , I am empathetic and sorry if you're in this kind of situation 🫂🫂🫂 . 

Listen darls, It's insulting for a man to offer you money you know you can make for yourself.. 

Sex is priceless, 

It's meant to be enjoyed with the right person,

It's not meant to be a product or service for survival 

You don't throw a pearl to a pig , 

It's too precious unless you've lost your esteem. 

You need a Psychotherapist to walk you through a PT session on self-reflection and a more in-depth exploration of self worth. 

I don't intend this post to be long 

"You can make much more than what you died for ". 

The above comment was what repeatedly rang in my head when I saw the news about Celine and Afiba. 

I challenge you ,  girl  !

-Get yourself a skill

- Get better at  it 

And the best company will even find it difficult to retain you . 

Your country will be scared to lose you . 

You can be valued , not just in bed but with your brain. 

I wish you well ♥️💞

"May the Lord forgive the souls of these girls and show them mercy. May he comfort their family and cover their shames ". 



#Inspiration -NgoziOkonjoIweala




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LOVESONG...Its your choice

If you love God, you can decide to give your certificate for Him but have you first love your neighbor?
If you love God you can decide to give your lifesavings for Him
If you love God, you will make Him your choice anytime anyday with the company you keep, the music you listen to and the choices you make
If you love God, you can give up that secret sin for Him. Say boldly to the spirit behind that sin and say`Loose your grip over my life in Jesus Name!

If you love God,you can want to travel the world for Him.
If you love God, you can decide to go the extramile for Him, you can give Him that prized possession
If you truly love God, you can give up that last meal or first/last paycheck for Him
If you love God, you will pay your tithe
If you love God you can give up that `seemingly juicy career for Him
An intense love for God will make you let go of that relationship with an unbeliever because His word says so...

N.B. My heart goes out to those who have gone through a divorce or are seperated from husband or wife FOR ANY REASON go to God in prayers for reconcilliation and be humble, give up your `seeming strong will` and allow God restore your relationship...selah!

You can make adjudstments where necessary if you can. God said and I quote` If you Love me, keep my commandments`. It is indeed difficult for men to love God as we see there was even a Judas among Christ disciples.

Women have the tendency to love more little wonder God commanded the married men to LOVE YOUR WIFE!If you don`t love her, she cannot be able to willingly submit to you #Fact because submission answers to Love.
Don`t shy away from your responsibility.I have attended series of weddings just this year and I still have more on my list to attend and I was told by one of my readers to share this.

Tips on how to Love your wife
1. Be caring and concerned about her well beign
2.Pray and study the word of God together
3.Let your wife be your confidant and best friend
4.Buy her gifts and do it joyfully
5.Don`t set her up
6.Protect her and do not talk ill of her to anyone, not even your pastor
7.Do away with all other female admirers and friends


I really appreciate all who helped me in my valley of the shadow of death experience last year.Healing is indeed the children`s bread and I`m His daughter. I can boldly say I am healed. Glory to God alone. May the Lord grant all homeless and newly wedded happy homes.

The blogger resides temporarily in Gboko, Benue State Nigeria and can be contacted through this email

Hey CALEB.... You can still take that mountain!

Read PROVERB 6 and ask the Holy sprit to speak to you NOW!

F.L Holmes said and I quote

Faith awakens courage, becomes daring

Enriches our inner life

Fosters high ideals, encourages WIDER vision

Makes us alert to all opportunities

Faith will turn every course

LIGHT every path

Relieve any distress

Bring joy out of sorrow

Peace out of strife

Friendship out of enmity

Heaven out of HELL

Faith is GOD at WORK!

 I begin to write today, I pray you’ll get your OWN message and not begin to analyse…. In Jesus name. Please read very slowly……

HEY Caleb!….. You can still take that MOUNTAIN.- No matter your age…. You can still begin something with your life and begin from where you left. God is ushering you into a season of possibilities. Amen.

I begin by EULOGIZING the GOD that doesn’t use G.S.M, Twitter, Google+ or FACEBOOK yet millions of people FOLLOW Him, seek His face and call Him daily.

The God of all tribes but doesn’t have TRIBAL MARK

His tenure cannot expire like that of GOODLUCK JONATHAN


OGBONGE in Diversity

Odeishi in Brutality

Crowned in ROYALTY

He never went to UNIVERSITY

Let’s worship His MAJESTY

Yet the capability of his MENTALITY supersede the totality of professors in their conformity

And at the mention of His Identity, principalities are in perplexity

Listen, that you are old s no reason for you to be SICK. You can have total health and Longevity as the Lord lives. The bible says that when Moses was old but his eyes did not grow DIM at all, it was Shining like Torchlight. At 120, Moses was climbing Mountain , Listen somebody….. As your days is , so shall your Strength be.

Whether you BELIEVE or NOT, if you don’t pay your Tithe, you’ll pay it to the DOCTOR. There is a spiritual and covenant provision for divine health. This word is coming to me first as I write this with EXCRUCIATING toothache.

God has NEVER been SICK and will NEVER be sick. JESUS is not only the SAVIOUR of your SOUL, but the savior of your BODY! Glory to God for REDEMPTION……  He was wounded for your transgression, BRUISED for your iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him….. and with HIS STRIPES…… You are healed.

There is no Vacancy for Impossibility in someone’s life right now.


Right from the heart of Africa, The Lion of the TRIBE OF JUDAH can be felt in America

The God that is more superior than the Governor of FLORIDA and the President of NIGERIA

He has better things to offer than ALICIA KEYS……… U dey hear me so?

The GOD that opened the wombs of HANNAH

He can do more WONDERS than RIHANNA

In His own image…. He created Adam and Eve

That is He is more good looking than GENEVIEVE….. LOL

He is more skillful than DROGBA and MESSI……. ( I never used to like football, neither do I now except for the highlights…… until my brothers began to BOMBARD me with questions about footballers I’ve never heard of before….. thank God for GOOGLE, I 4 just fall my hand) Lol

When JEHOVAH dribbles your opponents, He leaves them in what? PERPLEXITY…….. Glory to God o!

Ancient of days that does not use google but yet He sees faster than GOOGLE

JEHOVAH Nissi, Lord over DON JAZZY

The God that has more SWAGGER than TERRY G

God of 2-4-7 that can turn my situation around before the count of 7


The provider for MY VISION

The center of My Attraction and END of EVERY DISCUSSION


LISTEN somebody, God is interested in your bizness, He wants you to prosper in it. If you don’t have a daily means of livelihood, how then can you pay TITHE& offering or VOWS ehn?

Don’t ever compete with anyone, the sky is large enough for you to shine in your business endeavors….. Do you have people that don’t have what it takes to help you but yet, they try as hard as possible to discredit you to others……. May the Lord deliver us from such men/women with WICKED INTENTIONS towards us.

In your business, pray for your OWN customers…… if you are in the RIGHT business God has ordained for you, please don’t worry about the COMPETITION and watch GOD grow you from an AKARA seller to an EXPORTER of BEAN CAKE….. Amen?...... From a coaching teacher to an INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL principal.

Listen somebody, your promotion this year is not by CLASS but by CHRIST

It’s not based on government policies but GOD’S PROMISES.

Not by university degree but by GOD’S DECREE.

O……. K…… Now, we have what we call DIVINE CALLING which is NOT based on natural abilities. Even Moses was a stammerer and began to seek for support from Aaron but God still used him even though he was first afraid. God calls based on His eternal purposes but you as an individual have a responsibility to make it sure….. God calls not on Merit but based on His eternal purposes.

The book of Ecc.9: 10 makes us understand, we should do whatever our hands finds to do…. Even a popular adage says, No food for lazy man. Have you met men that refuse to give their wife money for food and the go out expecting to return home to a delicious delicacy…..

I heard somewhere and I believe this to be true…… Any woman you see, is a reflection of her husband. If a man is poor, you’ll know when you see his wife…. I stand to be corrected though but I’ve found this to be 80% true. Abi what man in his right senses will not take care of his own WIFE? What man in his right senses will raise his hands to beat his wife? Or don’t you know you are to treat her like your own body?......... Afteral you have become one flesh. What you cannot permit to yourself, don’t EVER do to your wife. Period

O…..K…..When you have divine calling, you’ll need DIVINE DIRECTION…. God has ENDOWED every individual with some gifts and talents. What is that one thing you can do without struggling, it comes naturally to you….. singing…. Playing of musical instruments….. Have you heard the story of JIMMY SWAGGERT?

He was so passionate as a young boy as he went to church one day and prayed Passionately …. ‘Lord, if you can just let me know how to play the organ, I’ll play it for you for the rest of my life…… Guess what? God granted Him his heart desire. Till today Jimmy Swaggert has been and will still be churning out loads and loads of music albums that minister life to millions around the world. Through the years, he has grown and has mastered this talent.

A great man once said and I quote “ Find out what you TRULY love doing and build a daily agenda around it”….

Towards the  ending of last year, I was opportuned to sing thin a National conference with over 800 attendees and viewers around the world ( according to the organizers), I almost FUMBLED but thank God for HIS GRACE. That does not mean I should only rely on God’s grace without practicing and developing myself. As the saying goes….. practice makes what? PERFECT.

I recently met a man who claimed to have been the supplier of computers and he offered trainings to the staff of a university in Nigeria, but he refused to get newer knowledge. He was kicked out by another company…. That had better knowledge and a more advance technology.

Times have changed and business technologies have changed too….. please improve your skills….. Learn a newer way of baking your cakes, get new designs for your clothing line…… I heard of a lady that gets fresh fruits and dries them, packages them and sells them….. isn’t that wonderful?

My father was into farming then he went into plumbing, then into the drilling of boreholes and swimming pools, he was also a consultant to other business owners, he then went into newspaper publishing and  lots more before heeding the call of God into ministry…… ( He sent me to school, so Ill write about him...)

As you move on in your life, your vision will continue to expand….. don’t think….. I have grown Old and I want to retire…. And sit at home to wait for death. Get back up
Mehn!! Go and start a business, go and begin a school, go and acquire your desire which you admire….. If by the road you perspire, do not RETIRE because the MESSIAH will grant your heart desire. Most importantly, don’t wait till you have everything before you begin, you can begin by learning under someone who is already in whatever you are desiring to have….. just like I am doing presently.

Parents…. Stop sitting on the destinies of your children… Many parents have misguided their children by FORCING them to do what they were originally not created to do. They force them to study a course in the university just so they can have a doctor or banker as a child. They fail to realize that they are caging the destiny of their child. If you are a child reading this now, please obey them and study the course if you can and when you are through…. You can now go and study a second degree in your field of choice.

Or better still, find an education counsellor that will help you. Amen….. I wish you a BLESSED day and week ahead & please don’t move with the wrong company…. Those who want to kill your dreams, those who want to make you feel weak….. those who want to draw you backwards…. Rather move with people that CHALLENGE you to do MORE…. Also note that it is better to be alone than to be with the wrong people. YOUR DESTINY IS IN YOUR HANDS! God is waiting for you to do what??? ACT!

As Bishop David Oyedepo said…. Don’t let any man dash your destiny; not physical or spiritual parents, not older and ‘seemingly’ more experienced men either…. Some people just constitute clogs in the wheel of progress of others. Please beware! I add this…. Try as much as possible to avoid them because they will just pull you down with them or they’ll just waste your precious time.

Did you know that at independence, Singapore was assisted by Ghana? But today look at the wide gap between the two countries…. Nigerians….. It’s time we stop looking for what Nigeria can do for us but what we can do for Nigeria! This is what brings about a CHANGE and this begins with our MINDSET….. when everybody is busy littering the streets….. and blocking out drainages, we then begin to blame the government for what we all contributed into. We begin to bring religion into politics….. As if it’s only in Nigeria we have Christians, let’s all wake up from our IGNORANCE and let's all work together in our own capacity to build NIGERIA

Let us seek the peace of our country and pray for those in authority….. They are trying hard enough, it’s Only when an individual gets to a position where he/she has to administer, that’s when you’ll understand what those in it face. We can all shout at Ronaldo and others in the pitch from our benches but you sef wear your boots and enter the arena….. let’s see what you can do. Until your poverty mentality is healed, your prosperity is not in view.


May God grant us good health to achieve all He has ordained us in JESUS MIGHTY NAME.

 I declare that divine health is God’s PERFECT WILL for me

Join me as I read…. Rom 12:2, 3John 1:2, Isaiah 53:5, read it prayerfully too. Shalom !

Jesus in Archeology!!!

Jesus is represented in every field of life. In the field of geology, He is the Rock of ages in the medical field He is the great physician and the giver of life and so on in other fields.
         Our focus today however in this write up is JESUS in the field of archeology. Here He is the ancient of days and the key to the past, the present and the future. You'll need Him to handle your past, all you've done in the past, all you'v ever gone through, all the sins you've ever commited, all the experiences you've had will be adequately handled by Him. 
He will help you repair your past and wipe it out completely. You'll become brand new as the word of God says you'll become a new creation in Christ Jesus. Halleluyah!
          Jesus is the true essence of life, when a site is discovered in an archeological reconnaisance, you'll see after excavation that there is more to what we see at the surface. So also what we see in life is just the surface the true essence and foundation of life is Christ Jesus, HALLELUYAH! 
       Without HIM you cannot have a glorious future. Without Him shining a light into your path, you cannot have direction for the future; you'll just mop around in darkness which will only lead to frustration. All you need to do is to accept Him as the key to your past, your present and to your future today... Glory to God! 
     Tell Him about your past and He is ready to forgive your past sins and failures, repair it and give you a glorious future.Say this prayer if you are making this decision now.... "Lord Jesus,I realize and admit I'm a sinner, forgive me of all I've done
in the past and make me a brand new creation.I believe and accept you as my Lord and saviour. Come and Lord it over my life and show me the directions for my future. Thank you lord for what you've done for me in Jesus name" AMEN!!!          CONGRATULATIONS! You have a great future ahead of you. For personal issues and problems you want to share with someone, feel free to call me on
234-8067-704671 or just leave a comment on this page. Heave is rejoicing over you today. Don't forsake God's word as this is where you have the blueprint for your life.Pray as often as you breathe. Shalom!


You have been living a lifestyle that brings guilt and shame to you. You wonder..... I can't do without this style or way of living.
You want to take a step of faith but the fear of failure keeps you stranded. You can't go on...

Now is the time to give it up to God who is higher than your circumstance, whatever has been holding you back; now is the time to break free from them. Break free from every chain and entanglements. Cast your cares and burdens on Jesus... He has offered to handle every thing. Is it a lifestyle, fear, lack, sickness, pain, past failures, give it all up to Him today. Halleluyah! Let Him take charge of your life and take control of your situation. 

You know what? He is CAPABLE of handling it all. GLORY TO GOD!

Switch your gaze!

I lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help comes from the Lord... Ps 121:1
Many times we are tempted to take our eyes away from God who is our helper especially when it seems as if He is not responding as it were. When you take off your eyes from God, you begin to see shadows.

 Isa 17 says Cursed is the man who trust in man, he cannot see when good comes tht means when you take your eyes off Him, you will not see when good is coming your way.
If God has used someone to bless you before, you may unconsciously think about that person when another need arises but whenever this happens, SWITCH YOUR GAZE back to God and begin to thank Him for that channel He used.Do not expect your help from any man, remember the word of God says the arm of flesh will fail you,look to th everlasting arms for your help. 

Halleluyah! Trust Him to help you,He knows just what you need;exactly when you need it and how much you need
too. Will you say with me today "I CHOOSE TO TRUST YOU LORD, I LOOK TO YOU AS MY HELPER. YOU ARE

13-Yr-Old Indian Girl Begins Microbiology Master's

LUCKNOW, India — In a country where many girls are still discouraged from going to school, Sushma Verma is having anything but a typical childhood.
The 13-year-old girl from a poor family in north India has enrolled in a master's degree in microbiology, after her father sold his land to pay for some of his daughter's tuition in the hope of catapulting her into India's growing middle class.
Verma finished high school at 7 and earned an undergraduate degree at age 13 – milestones she said were possible only with the sacrifices and encouragement of her uneducated and impoverished parents.
"They allowed me to do what I wanted to do," Verma said in an interview Sunday, speaking her native language of Hindi. "I hope that other parents don't impose their choices on their children."
Sushma lives a very modest life with her three younger siblings and her parents – eating, sleeping and studying alongside them in a cramped single-room apartment in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state.
Their only income is her father's daily wage of up to 200 rupees (less than $3.50) for laboring on construction sites. Their most precious possessions include a study table and a second-hand computer.
It is not a great atmosphere for studying, she admitted. "There are a lot of dreams ... All of them cannot be fulfilled."
But having no television and little else at home has advantages, she said. "There is nothing to do but study."
Sushma begins her studies next week at Lucknow's B. R. Ambedkar Central University, though her father is already ferrying her to and from campus each day on his bicycle so she can meet with teachers before classes begin.
Her first choice was to become a doctor, but she cannot take the test to qualify for medical school until she is 18.
"So I opted for the MSc and then I will do a doctorate," she said.
Sushma – a skinny, poised girl with shoulder-length hair – is not the first high-achiever in her family. Her older brother graduated from high school at 9, and in 2007 became one of India's youngest computer science graduates at 14.Now can you beat that??!!!



Favour is God giving to you what you do not deserve and placing you ahead of your contemporaries. For God`s grace to work for you, you don`t have to work for it. 
A wise preacher once said that the most dangerous man on earth is the man that God has decided to favour, if you dare stand in that man`s way..... its just like a wooden wheel-barrow that stays on the railway and says the train is not going to pass.!! What do you think will be the result of that wheel-barrow(man)?... Your guess is as good as mine.

Just let it Go!!

Many times, we are forced to begin to worry and think about how we can make it through. We begin to ask questions and question the ability of God to bring His promises to pass in our lives. Just let it go and let God do His work in your life. 


Quit asking `why God why?`, How God how? when God when? who God who? since He promised, then let Him do His work in the capability of His abilities. He is able to handle that situation that you`re going through right now. 

Trust Him according to Jer 17:  7 meditate on this scripture today and God will bless you. I expect your response to this post and your testimonies too. Remain Blessed!!!!!


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