G-L-O-R-Y, G-L-O-R-Y, G-L-O-R-Y G…… Glory………2x
Nothing can stop me, Nothing can stop you…..
*Play MIRACLE WORKER by Gloreeyah Braimoh & Nathaniel
Bassey on your mobile device now and carry your bible as we begin…… HERE WE GO!
Read slowly as the HOLYSPIRIT takes CHARGE NOW Please get your OWN MESSAGE
& stop analyzing…..
(Join the group ‘It’s
Testimony Time’ on Facebook and share your testimonies…… God bless you real
good…… ( 101 likes already and still counting, from various continents of the
world…. HALLELUYAH!)
O…….. k…….. Now today I am SELAHING on …….. SPIRITUAL
ENERGIZER………….. To boost your FAITH/Encourage you just a little more. You don’t
need LUCOZADE BOOST for that …… LOL……
( As a matter of FACT, today’s post is not from any book but
the WORD of God…… I pray that you’ll hear your own language in it IN JESUS
God has spoken through HIS WORD, His prophets and of course
through babes in the year 2016 of a GLORY that the world has never known. No
matter what you have experienced in the past.
What God is set to do now cannot be compared to what He has in your
FUTURE & that future begins NOW! This GLORY is set for those that will not
rely on their past acheivements…… 2Cor 3:18
Ok, you have pulled down mountains before….. That one na
wetin? STORY STORY. Infact you have even raised the dead before…… Na wetin o?
Story story part 2. What are you doing for God right there where you are, right
there and right NOW!
earlier your faith rises, the faster & easier it is for you to attain the
realm, position, height GOD has ordained for you. Someone is already attaining…..
while another is BUSY running around asking shey na true say GLORY dey come?
*Sighs* See ehn…… in this day and MESSED age in which we are if you’re not on
FIRE for God, the enemies can use you for ‘peppersoup’ after they deal with
you….. they’ll now go and repent…….
Somebody pray this prayer- Lord Jesus, may I not be a
CASUALTY, help me to be a FLAMING FIRE in your hands. Lord make me a vessel of
Gold, not Plastic. Destroy anything in me that’s not like you in the MIGHTY
*Search your file now and play……. Ignite my FIRE by Murphy,
or if you don’t have that, you can play ELIJAH OJELADE’s Fire song….. I’ve
4gotten the title).
Many times, we humans can be so impatient with God &
like to go our own way – when God says wait…… my son/daughter, in the twinkling
of an eye…. Your promise will manifest, your dream will become a reality. Your
expectations will become manifestations. We sometimes want to rush ahead of God
thinking we carry too much FIRE and we go and do what God did not send you. You
go just WOUND...
Just like me entering an office to ask about my file and the
person in charge tells me it is ‘missing’ …. only for me to stare at the same
‘missing file’ right in front of the two of us. As I contemplate taking the file
from her table to speed up my file transfer. I just thought to myself… hmmnn……
what if she catch me, what if the security catch me, what if………. Mehn! I would
have to start another prayer process to right the wrongs……. I refuse to be
*Search for ‘Olufe Okan Mi* now by Pastor E.A Adeboye and
play it if you have it or You are the same by Sinach)
But come to think of it, Walking on Water/ doing what has
not been done before can be risky, when JESUS said to Peter come….. he obeyed,
but it was a RISK! Look at your neighbor, your room mate or anybody around you
and SCREAM……… TAKE THAT RISK! Go and start that business, go and submit that
proposal, go and begin that school NOW!
Receive the strength you need, receive the courage you need, receive the
RESOURCES you need in the POWERFUL name of JESUS!
As for me ehn…. I am ready
to take any risk with JESUS as long as He is beside me as we go along……
( I saw something few days ago as I went out to visit/Work……. Hmmn…… This one is too heavy to talk
o. One day I’ll tell somebody or maybe I’ll share it…….. May our eyes not see
what is too heavy for our mouth to talk in JESUS Name). Lord, Have Mercy!
Please don’t be like Sarah that pushed Abraham to do wrong
but it seemed right to obtain a promise but she reaped the consequences and the
world is still suffering her actions till today but thank God for many ‘Bokos’
and ‘Harams’ that have started to embrace Christ. Even the prophet Isaiah said
a time will come when Egypt too will serve the living God. Read Isaiah 19:16,
and verse 19,20.
Maybe the reason you have to wait is because God is
expanding the vision he has given you, He is widening your scope, he is
enlarging your coast…… He is bigger than the biggest, wiser than the wisest,
holier than the holiest, sweeter than the sweetest, cooler than the coolest,
fatter than the fattest, taller than the tallest …….. Amen o!
O……K…… pray this
prayer- Lord Jesus, help me to wait patiently on you, let me not be too slow or
too fast for you. In the Glorious name of JESUS!
Hebrew 11:40 reads - God have provided some better things
for us that they without us should not be made perfect. Folake was a young and vibrant lady with
loads of potentials and she felt a leading to start a coaching center for kids
and adolescents alike at a little town. She was so excited about it, she shared
the idea with a few people and she now finally decided to start….. she was so
excited as she set out, the building was on ground, the chairs for the students
were available, but as she looked up the street end, she saw a GIANT- another
school close by and then she did something STUPID. She ran back home, as I
write this I doubt if she has started. Somebody say ACTION!
See ehn…. FAITH without works is what? DEAD! Back up your
faith with ACTION. Don’t wait till the time is right to begin or do what God
has already given you the go-ahead to do. Stop the PROCRASTINATION, it only steals
your time and elongates the process.
Listen friend, the FUTURE holds something greater, BETTER, than what you’ve experienced in the past. Stop
relying on your past success…… Press on to the mark of the HIGHER calling.
Don’t be afraid…… Jesus is with YOU, HE is EMMANUEL, the one who holds you by
the hand and conquers new grounds with you…… most especially when you are his
See ehn….. I am JEHOVAH’S PROPERTY and any MORTAL that tries to Tamper or MESS with me ehn……..
JEHOVAH the man of WAR will deal with them & I am NOT joking…… as I pack my
load to get out of this house that keep bringing back past memories that I
really need to kick out of my head….. *sighs*
Somebody pray this prayer as quietly as you can, Lord Jesus,
PERSONALLY deal with any principality or power trying to FRUSTRATE my DESTINY.
I noticed that a lot of people have now started naming their
children DESTINY…… Na wa o.
Listen, somebody no matter how far you think you’ve gone in
your life of sin or COMPROMISE, the hand of the Lord is open WIDE to accept
you. Please COME BACK HOME……Repent of your wrongs and accept him, ask for the
grace to live above sin forever. Amen.
*Play POWER FLOW now or any Anointed song by any MINISTER of
the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST now on your
electronic device)
This reminds me…… as I carry myself go snap picture….. I now look at the picture & Mehn! This
colours no match oh……(Well…. na colour blocking)….. LOL
Somebody hear this…… whether the colour you wear match or e
no match, God is about to decorate you….. YOUR change has come, people will
gather to CELEBRATE with you sooner than you expect. Your BREAKTHROUGH is here Amen!
*Please search your file for ‘BREAKTHROUGH’ by DON MOEN and
listen attentively to the WORDS of the singer’
Alryt….. ….
As Bishop Oyedepo will say
Poverty stinks, it humiliates, it kills, it can even deform you……. ( If you are
not ok with Bishop Oyedepo I keep mentioning in all my post, well….. go and sue
God and ask Him why He decided to chose Him and as a matter of fact I have
decided to add him to my list of ‘fathers’ but as I’m still human, my decision is not
I refuse to be an object of pity anymore, I
refuse to be a begger, I refuse to call for a pity party, I will be a lender,
NOT a borrower….. I will be a giver, my purse will sponsor the gospel around
the world in Jesus Mighty Name.
( Also please be careful of the information you spread about
people when you don’t even know their situation…… You the spoiler, the day you
stop spoiling, is the day you’ll begin to be SPOILED. It’s not my WORD…. It’s
the WORD of God…. Beware)
Here this…… According to Bishop David Oyedepo…… God does NOT
on His REPLENISHMENT. Somebody say this
as LOUD as your Energy can mutter…… MY HEAD REJECTS SUFFER HEAD, JESUS has worn
the crown of thorn for me @ CALVARY….. My RIGHT as a child of God is ALL ROUND
Please watchout
for my article on Tuesday unfailingly on
Hey, CALEB!…… you can still take that MOUNTAIN & you can still make
requests for the article- HOW TO Live GRACEFULLY as a MISSIONARY.
Now as I went through the streets this morning, I watched
two farmers as they were cultivating their farmland….. one of them just
SHOUTED…… what he said made me stop and look……. We are all God’s ‘PEOPLES’, the
BODY OF CHRIST are all ONE BODY as he spoke with all SERIOUSNESS and pointed his
hoe to his fellow farmer………Man SHARP Man…… ….. I just decided to find my
squareroot o before blood start to flow….. LOL
Please let’s not begin to shed our own bloods after CHRIST has shed HIS BLOOD for us all…… The worst
people to deal with at-times are CHURCH PEOPLE….. Honestly…… I will rather work
with an unbeliever who is upright than with a christian that can LIE and LIE
and act so innocent after telling a lie…… Whether na BLUE or RED or YELLOW or
GREEN…… Lie NA Lie, stop being deceptive as Christians and let’s embrace the
WHOLE truth….. For me I will SPEAK the TRUTH and LIE NOT. So if you know what
you want to tell me is not the truth azzin Confirmed truth, don’t EVER come to
me with that FALSEHOOD…… what does it cost you to tell the whole truth, no
wonder many Christians find themselves STRUGGLING with GUILT and they keep
falling and rising in sin……with a DEAD CONSCIENCE…… WHAT A SHAME! 2cor 10:11.
The medicine wey go heal you go first taste BITTER, the earlier you embrace it,
the better for you. #Selah.
Now finally , I go into this matter that has been of serious
concern to me and as ASA said in one of her songs…… There is FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN…… but nobody seem to be running,
Even if we decide to run, where are we running to? This
matter almost makes me want to sit at home and not go to church at all and just
buy messages and listen to them at home.
I have two different neighbors…….. Neighbor A brought me so
much joy when they moved in last year and I realized they were Christians. All
of a sudden I travelled and I realized that neighbor B ( A widower) now has a
new wife….. from a denomination that prays a lot and by the way if you DARE
cross their path ehn…. You can Fall down and die(The same
denomination that wanted to forcefully claim what belonged to God @ the Faithful
Ministry of God. Unknown to
them, they were tampering with God’s property….. They had to pack their load
and Run for their lives when Jehovah dealt with them).
This particular neighbor makes so many Stupid jokes about the bible and weighty matters that should be handled seriously….. I get so irritated when she makes jokes about OBARA JESUS……
This particular neighbor makes so many Stupid jokes about the bible and weighty matters that should be handled seriously….. I get so irritated when she makes jokes about OBARA JESUS……
I almost feel like going to meet her to land a slap….. but
the only thing is that na my hand go suffer am and by the way…… with her level
of ENLARGEMENT, she can just land on me and Na that day I go know say human
beigns sef can weigh more than BAGS OF CEMENT. When she sees me
and says Ibatago…. I just smile and reply thank you ma… ( Abi wetin I go do
again as I no sabi fight, since my bible says WISDOM is better than WEAPONS OF
Like joke, like joke I enter the main reason why I am so
aggravated, I am ANGERED in short I dey VEX…. And all I could do was just shout
JESUS as I listened to Neighbor A -who was a member of this ‘same denomination’,
begin to HAIL the MOTHER OF JESUS….. THIS to me is pure Idolatry. And I wonder
when will Christians really begin to take their lives and spiritual growth with
all SERIOUSNESS , when will they stop playing and joking with matters that
should be dealt with seriously….. well I pray you’ll not have to go through
‘somethings’ for you to really understand….. even though there has to be a
going through before a SHINING can occur.
(These neighbors have also listened to GOSSIP AND SLANDER in
the past .. ) But whatever may be the cause for their sudden return to
idolatry….. is NONE OF MY BUSINESS as everyman will stand before His creator on
the day of JUDGEMENT. #Selah…….
Maybe they went there for DELIVERANCE and the ministers failed
to follow them up with THE WORD OF GOD, failing to realize that when an evil
SPIRIT is cast out, it must be replaced….. so these individuals don’t end up
WORSE than they WERE before……… Preachers, Please let’s go back to the word…..
and PERSONAL STUDY of the WORD as individuals…… Stop being a Christian that is
just conscious of your looks and you are so EMPTY……. Let’s do away with the
little FOXES that can spoil our VINEYARD.
If you read this post
and you are NOT saved, you are not safe until you are SAVED! You don’t have a
FUTURE without CHRIST. Your life will be a MESS without Him….. No matter what
you achieve, it will be useless without Christ. Talk to him now, He is right
there with you…..
Pray in the SPIRIT now for as long as you can if you can…..,
if you can’t please pray in whatever language you can, if you cannot PRAY……
then you are in TROUBLE!
GEEZ! I think I have to go
now before my system goes off……. This is Nigeria but ministry must go on with
or without light……. May the Lord bless all who made this post a reality, GOD
BLESS YOU SO MUCH…… I really appreciate you….. I am still getting feedbacks
from the post….. REVENGE CAN BE FATAL! Please keep sending your testimonies to
the email below or better still just join the group and post your testimony.
I also advice young people to make use of the social media
platforms to spread the LOVE of JESUS to your host of friends and enemies too……
LOL. The children of darkness have captured this GREAT WEAPON but we Christians
have failed to make positive use of it, you have absolutely no idea of just ONE
SOUL that can be snatched from HELL just by one simple line of the LOVE of
JESUS. May the Lord bless you as you
comply, IN JESUS NAME.
Contents of this blog are from the
mind of the writer…… Inspired by WORD OF GOD, the Holy Spirit & various
preachers of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. The contents of this blog can also be
used @ whatever Christian/family gathering.
She can be contacted on +234-8123171887
prayer needs should be directed to nigeriabi@gmail.com (You can chose not to
add your name if you so wish). You can also get professional BLOG DESIGNS.
God bless you……

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