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Healing: Your Redemptive Right!

 Healing is one of the benefits we enjoy in redemption. Jesus Christ died to set your free from the power of sickness, you can now live a sickness- free life. Its your birthright as a bona-fide child of God.  

The Lord said he would no longer put the diseases of the Egyptians on your body. Good Health is what you enjoy when you surrender all to Jesus Christ. 

He was wounded for my transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and with His stripes, we were healed. Its already a finished work πŸ™Œ! 

All we need to do is to lay hold of this amazing benefit of redemption. Glory to God. 

A woman came to Jesus Christ seeking healing he called her a dog literally because she was not a Jew, yet she got the crumbs from the table. How much more you that have been bought with a price, you who have been washed with the blood and set free, delivered! Now,  take your rightful inheritance as a child of God, joint heirs with Jesus Christ. AMEN! 

I'll be sharing another benefit of Redemption soon. Shalom!

Abiola Grace can be contacted on Whatsapp or Telegram  CLICK HERE



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