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Jesus healed the woman with the issue of Blood.


Jesus healing the bleeding woman (or "woman with an issue of blood" Please read meditation not casually. 

As I think back to my experience studying Tourism in Nsukka, I  went on a field trip to Idanre hills, to study their ancient history and culture. Thank God today they now have a rich Tourism potential but I believe it should not only be focused on festivals of idols but escape Tourism, grey Tourism and individuals globally should be able to come from around the world to see the beauty of Nigeria.

(As we grow, we become more quiet but for some people, I don't understand.) 

(Thank God that through the gospel of Jesus Christ, Nigeria is fast becoming the center of attraction to the world, where the missles of God's word is dousing the nonsense of the devil in Africa and then globally through various means (This is deep, if I try to explain,  the tori no go finish.) Thank you Lord Jesus. Shalom 

At that time the Oba's palace even had a church (RCCG) I don't know if that still exists now. Anyways, I remember climbing the hills that had over 600 steps but my tour guide at that time had to stop me from climbing to the top of the hill due to a sacred event that happens in that area (Very babaric culture even though my Biological parents were from there, I don't belong there anymore by Redemption) I will love to climb such daily but thank God for civilization and gyms or even exercising in homes. No need for all these strenuous things except you live in areas reserved for such. (Wisdom is required and of course understanding)

Some women will say grinding from grinding stone will bring out the best tastes from ingredients 😄 but I believe this was an instrument that made them stronger. I reject suffering). 

 Archeology has made me to be able to search out deep treasures in God's word. Today, ill be dissecting healing as experienced by the woman with the issue of blood. 

Moreover, I strongly believe that the actions/Victory at Calvary is far more important than what the grandfather of my great grandfather/mothers did. The blood of Jesus speaks better than the blood of Abel. I  refuse to be a victim of their mistakes again by the blood of Jesus. I don't support their evils and my own teeth will no longer experience the consequences of the sour grapes in JESUS NAME The blood of Jesus silence every contrary voice rising against me from ancestral land or wherever. AMEN.

The woman with the issue of blood had spent virtually all she had on her problems. I don't really know if the menfolks can really understand what this means. All the cramps, pains, cold and all feelings that come with the monthly cycle for women is what only a woman can really understand. Now, Imagine going through such for a whole year,  then 12 years. 

Any issue of long continuance is definitely a curse like God's servant will say. It needs to be dealt with from the roots thats what was done at Calvary.  Jesus dealt a heavy blow to the devil and we have to enforce our deliverance from the works of the devil. Jesus died for all to be free from sicknesses and all forms of diseases. God is still in the business of changing life's situations today. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb Hallelujah. Glory to God alone in the highest. 

May God step into your life and change your story now in Jesus name Amen. 

We are God's building,  if any man defile the temple of God,  God will destroy. You dare it, you are DEAD!

May God's peace rest in the camp  of Zion in Jerusalem.

The blood of Jesus speaks better than the blood of Abel. God's last card. 1Jh 5:7-8. The Lord will be seen upon me, my life is a 'nogo' area for the enemy any kind of enemy. 

 The blood of the everlasting covenant of the Lord....No harm No harm, No harm. Jesus already paid the price for our redemption.

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My kingdom project is still ongoing and you can decide to be a part of it. Glory to God alone Forever and ever Amen. I love you and Jesus loves you more. #Selah 

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