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The Value of Vision

 This study guide is by to help you understand and do the word of God practically. It contains questions to stir you into thought and a section of prayer & confessions.


Wednesday, 2nd November 2022

Good Morning!

The value of vision cannot be overstated: God’s design is that you’d go as far as your eyes can see. Even corporate organisations recognize that vision determines outcome. It is not a wonder therefore that the prime effect of having the Holy Ghost is to see visions.

It is said that Thomas Edison tried 999 times and failed before he succeeded in capturing electricity in the incandescent bulb



Why did he attempt to do it and why was he tenacious?

If you have a vision can you give up? Why?

No wonder the Bible declares in Proverbs 29 verse 18: WHERE THERE IS NO VISION, THE PEOPLE PERISH: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Without vision people would easily give up, there would be no progress and the future would be truncated. Vision is the reason behind the great developments in human experience. But is vision for a special set of people? How does one have vision?

If you noticed, that people perish without vision is just one part of the verse, it goes on to explain what vision is: BUT HE THAT KEEPETH THE LAW, HAPPY IS HE. Vision is to keep the law. In other words, by keeping or doing the word of God you would be a person of vision.

Now I understand the work of the Holy Ghost – He helps us in doing the word of God, hence we see visions and are people of vision. The message translation of this verse is very instructive: If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.

Here He calls vision what God is doing. When people can’t see what God is doing they stumble and fall. It is impossible to see what God is doing and stay the same if you see it you would run. No wonder the bible says, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it (Habakkuk 2 verse 2). 


By reason of the above, if an individual says he has a vision yet he is not doing anything can he be right? Why?

What happens to an individual who has read or seen a vision? 

You cannot have a vision and be still, the vision would make you run: THAT HE MAY RUN that readeth it. So also you cannot have seen what God is doing and be inactive. If you are inactive, it is only one of two things, either you have not seen it, or simple and plain, you are disobedient.

This is why I say that vision is faith in motion. It is impossible to see what God is doing and remain idle; when you see it, it will command and compel your involvement. No wonder the apostle Paul declared, ‘I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision’ because vision demands obedience and obedience is voluntary.

Have you seen what God is doing?  It is impossible to have seen it or to claim to know it and be idle. It would command your obedience to it. The truth actually is that your life right now is testifying of the knowledge you have of what God is doing or not.

If you know what God is doing you would be involved with Him doing it, because the vision of God drives one. When you are driven by it, it takes over your life completely, there will be no space for something else (not even to seek the very essentials needed for natural living) and it takes care of you totally.

That is why the Lord says, ‘don’t seek or be driven by what you would eat or drink, it is people that don’t know God that is driven by such things, be driven rather by the kingdom of God – the quest of doing God’s will and all these things would be added unto you’ (Luke 12 verses 29 to 31).

What is God doing now? He is gathering people to Christ. No wonder Jesus said, ‘if you are not gathering with me, you are scattering’ (Luke 11 verse 23).


Do you know what God is doing?

Have you seen it? What is driving you?

The way you are living your life right now is testifying to the answer louder than any answer you can shout out.  

Is it possible to be saved and not have seen what God is doing?

Did He do it in your life or not?

Are you actively winning souls?

Do you have a soul-winning goal for your life? Is it broken into monthly, weekly or daily targets? 

Do you pray about it?

When last did you win a soul? 

When last did you share the gospel?

What would it take for you to share the gospel and tell how Christ saved you to someone today?

*A Confession & Prayer:*

Father I cannot deny that I know what you are doing, you did it in my life – you saved me and I will not forget. I repent from not being more involved with what you are doing, I, therefore, choose to join you more actively, I choose to obey the vision of heaven and I trust and thank you for your help in doing this. Amen!!!



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