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The world has changed ...

 The world has changed.


The world you knew 20 years ago is no longer what we have today.


This is particularly more prominent as it regards career and business.


In today’s world, people wake up very early, say their morning prayer, do meditation, take their breakfast and move to their phone the same way you finish your morning routine and dress for work.


Once they open Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, their blog or email service provider from anywhere in the world, work has started.


If the person is a video content creator, they can use one day to record 5 videos and use the 2nd day to edit them.


If the person prefers writing, they can use a few hours to write at least 5 social posts or emails, schedule them and come online to join others in catching cruise all through the day.


Alternatively, they might decide to engage in other profitable ventures instead of joining others to catch cruise online.


But at the end of the month, when Facebook, AdSense or Twitter pays, they will cash out thousands of dollars.


If you are not informed about the new nature of work now, you would mistake their activities online as a waste of time.


Some of you might even throw shades at them by saying, “Go and get a real job” when in the real sense of it, they might be earning a bank manager’s salary from these platforms I mentioned.


You don’t have to join them if you are not cut out for it. But understand that the world has evolved.


Ask yourself…


To what extent have I evolved? You don’t need to answer me.




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