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When the Deliverer needs Deliverance πŸ€”

Speaking in the Holy Ghost is a great mystery I learnt as I listened to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and read Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional I picked up in my classroom years back and as a minister of the gospel ( Pastor, Apostle,  Prophet, Gospel Singer, Gospel Blogger, etc)  as you minister to others, you need a refreshing after you have poured out what He placed in you.

  Note: Every true Christian is called to soul winning, so you need this also. 

Let me digress a little. 

Song ministers should see everything they do in the kingdom as a seed/sacrifice for the spread of the gospel. Stop fighting over contract etc.... If your content is used without your consent, then let it be. God is using it for reaching out to the world. God knows how to reward His own true ministers. 

(Of course there's a need for producers to be truthful and you too to check out what you are signing up for) 

Back to what I was saying 

  • Spend time praying in the HolySpirit daily to avoid a drain. Let living waters flow from your belly. 

There are also various ways to also stay refreshed like 

  • Spending time with God in His word daily 
  • Worshipping 
  • Take a physical vacation and tour amazing location around the city/world 

( If you want to know great locations for this within and around Ibadan, Nigeria,  message me for this) 
  • Religious Tourism for Spiritual Retreats where the word of God is shared and you have long moments of prayer and worship. 

( Taking a daycation or vacation doesn’t mean you take Spiritual vacation from His presence) πŸ™‚

  • And many others, feel free to add yours.


God bless you. If you are in and around the ancient city of Ibadan, you are Specially invited to this amazing program πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


For enquiries,partnership, Sponsorship and to share any ideas, information and writeups that can benefit other, CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME for free publication. 

Personal book for the month: KEYS TO DIVINE HEALTH. 



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