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The Power of Love


The Power of God's love supercedes the nature of love displayed by other mortal men. The scripture says in Ijohn 3:1 

Behold what mamner of love the father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons ( and daughters) of God. 

His love has been so evident in our lives and it is this kind of love God expects us to show our children no matter the kind of life they have chosen to live or adopt. 

Do you have a Child ( relative,sibling or friend)  that has strayed from the path of righteousness? Don't give up in sharing the love of God to him or her through your actions,  prayers, preaching to them the power of God's Word will break every stony heart and also we should know that our lives is a book they are watching and learning from you, beyond what you even know. 

Outlines of God's love

His love is greater than our challenges 

His love is always with us not subject to mood swings but his love never wavers. 

His love strengthens us when we have become very weak. 

Only a Father that loves can rebuke you and also only a mother that loves can truly understand you and tell you that thing about yourself that you don't want to admit but is true. 

May God help you and me to be true witnesses of Christ to those around us and afar in Jesus name. 

At the Youth Alive Just concluded program/ Convention of the Living faith church, the power of God was so evident and we see youngsters been impacted by God's servant, Prophets and ministers. His love was also shed in the hearts of men and we are not the same again. 

Do you desire to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life as you read this writeup?


Say this Prayer: 

Lord Jesus,  thank you for releasing your Son to die for me, thank you cor this great Sacrifice. I surrender my life to Christ and I believe that His blood was shed for my redemption. I confess Him as my Lord and saviour in Jesus name Amen.  

Have you been blessed by this writeup or other writeups on this blog feel free to support this blog here ✨ 


Nothing wey Eye no go see for United States of AMULOKO. Instead of some people to approach you directly to ask questions, they will rather chose to listen to Gossips Nd continue to make a big deal out of nothing just the way Satan makes a mountain out of a mole hill situation and this funny neighborhood/ neighbors I have around me here in this Ancient town 😄.  


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