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Focus on being Productive no matter your age


-Pastor David Ibiyeomie

Hear me and hear me well, I will tell you things that will provoke your success no matter your age and I will just share with you just three of them for this special day. 

Things that will provoke your success no matter your age:

1. Think yourself out of being a failure. Proverb 23:7 Mentality affects performance. To think old, behave old and talk old is to become old. Don't think you are old, don't behave old and don't talk old. Moses started at 80. He would have said "I'm an old man, God there is no point using me again." Abraham -75, he would have said "I am very old, there is no point calling me." So don't think old, don't act old and don't talk old.

The impact of Abraham was 75. You too can start making impact with age notwithstanding. Moses never saw himself become old at 80 neither did Aaron see himself become old at 83. Moses and Aaron found their bearing with God in their lives as old men. They were already old. Age is not a determinant of success. 

Hear this and hear me well people of God all over the world "instead of counting your days focus on making your days count." The only real chance you have in life is the chance you give your life.. Once you tell yourself that you are too old to secure success, all your bones, tendons, ligaments will clamp, resisting you from taking the next step for success. Try to do it. Tell yourself you are old immediately everything in you will begin to show old age. Age is a mentality issue (just begin to think you are old).

There is something I saw from God's Word that the portion of the Bible you believe is what will benefit you. Even great men of God, you hear them say "give, it shall be given unto you" - they preach prosperity and they tell you "I have faith to prosper." He says "by His stripes I am healed" because he believes the Bible but when it comes to age, he says no "I am getting old" but the Bible said "as your days, so shall your strength be.". So we are taking that part of the Bible away. So even the man of God will tell you, "you know I am getting old now, I have to take it small small" but the same Bible said as your days, so shall your strength be. So if you believe as your days then your strength should also be like that. Why will you believe one part and throw away the other part?

Even if I am 80, this is how I will look. I don't look my age because I saw from God's Word as my days so shall my strength be.. His natural forces were not abated. At 120, he (Moses) was still a man. So why will you be 70 and now say I am an old man. I pray that mentality will leave you forever. 

Numerous failures in life occur because people didn't realize how close they were to success when they chose to give up. Say "I won't give up." It's okay to scream, it's okay to cry but never surrender. Don't throw in the trowel.

2. Focus on being productive no matter your age. Those who function in life don't make retirement their option. Psalm 92:14. Where did you see Abraham retire? Where did you hear that Moses retired? Moses led Israel at 120 till God called him. True? Never give up on life because of how old you are. Old age is not synonymous with failure or fruitlessness. Proverbs 24:10. Say "my case is not close, I will brace up, God is taking me to higher heights in the name of Jesus." 

3. Possess a fighting spirit with your uniqueness. If you know you cannot get a medal in the sprint races like 100 metres and 200 metres, train for marathon and mile races. You may not be fast like the sprint but you can develop strength to endure the race and still make a mark by winning a medal. Courage and determination were two forces that helped the snail walk into the ark. Others went fast, it was slow but it got there. So if your strength can't be for 100 metres run the long one at the end you will still make it…and I see you make it. 

Only the courageous will become prestigious. Be determined to fight for your future and succeed. People may give up on you but refuse to give up on yourself. Ecclesiastes 9:4.. Let me share this story with you (live story). At a point in my life, most people thought I can never succeed but I fought my way through with God to the glory of God, the proofs are showing.

Anytime you start, God is always with you. We left Bible school…I didn't start when every other person started. Bible school ended in July, we got married in August…I couldn't start. Everybody started, I couldn't. It was as if I have failed forever. I started the following year April. Just imagine! July (see how many months passed) August -maybe August you will say it's because of wedding. After wedding…August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April (following year.)

It is not when you start, it's how God backs you. Today, no matter where you are now and things may seem not working because you have come to be a part of this birthday celebration, things will work for you in the name of Jesus. Grace will be released to compress all the lost years and you will gain speed in the name of Jesus. The louder your Amen, you will have it done. In the name of Jesus.

There is a story many people don't know about in Israel. In Israel, daughters were not permitted by law to have inheritance. Then something changed under Moses. Rivers State also have that kind of policy. There are tribes till tomorrow, only the men are permitted to inherit their father's property which is very demonic, satanic and ungodly because the children - are they bastards?

Women are also children. He said "children are heritage of the Lord" He didn't say men are heritage of the Lord. So man and woman should have inheritance from their parents. Thank God Rivers State set the pace. So daughters were not allowed to have inheritance (in Israel.)


Culled from heavenly mandate. 



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