As I walked through the streets of Sango Ota, an area where I grew up in years ago, I realized that many houses have been abandoned and some people who I used to know are no longer where they were/lived.
Some are even dead, so it's a privilege to be Alive in this day and age since Jesus Christ hasn't returned yet to rapture the Saints. I remember the day He appeared to me Live and I'm still in Awe of what I saw.
The moment I close my eyes and remember that experience, I just feel His presence overwhelm me and every pain or fear just dissappears. Glory to God.
I'm grateful to God for His mercies that are new every morning to me. God is blessing the works of my hands having lost my regular 8-5 job.
What am I trying to say. Learn to trust God for provisions, Supernatural protection and helps. (Read Psm 121)
The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any 2 edged sword. Study the Bible and His promises concerning that situation will come to pass in your life as you believe.
This video is for someone. This woman of God has been a great inspiration to me for years. We all have different stories and one day I'll tell mine.
Abeg, I need Ijebu garri or Sweet potatoes garri and correct fish ( Catfish, Tilapia).
For someone reading this, 1thesalonian 4: 11.
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