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Stop Rushing Yourself to Destruction. Ah Ah.... Kilode

This message is not for everyone. Read this prayerfully and with understanding. 


1. Don’t waste your time on someone who don't make time for you. No matter how busy someone is, no matter how hectic their days are, they will make time if they want to. They will make time if they care.

2. Don’t waste your texts on someone who reads and ignores them. Don’t waste them on someone who regularly forgets to return your calls.


3. Don’t waste your time on someone whose actions don’t match with their words. They sweet-talk you one day and act differently the next day. They make promises but never keep to them.


4. Don’t waste your time on someone who gives you mixed signals. Today they make you believe you're their last bus stop. The next day, they make you feel like dying. Love builds up; love does not cast down.


5. Don’t waste your time on someone who is not sure about you. They tell you they're not sure where the relationship will lead to. So why are you there?


6. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t share their world with you. They only share their troubles with you but never share their breakthroughs and good things with you. Are you their burden bearer.

7. Don’t waste your time with someone who keeps you a secret from his friends and family. They keep saying don't worry, when the time comes, at the right time. The question is, when will the right time come?

8. Don’t waste your time on someone who is not sure about you. If they were sure, they would find the time. They would make an effort. They would text. All the excuses they are giving why they can't make time is because they are not sure you are the one.

9. Don't waste your time with someone who only talk about sex, and nothing about the future. They are players. 

10. Don't waste your time with someone whose phone is always off when you need their help. But their phones are on when they need your time. Be careful. Even though you have no right to make unnecessary demands from your boyfriend or girlfriend, true love cares, and gives. 

Today, I want to talk to you to calm down. You will find someone who will be with you, who will understand you, who will not let you down. Don't rush yourself to destruction. Enjoy your single life. It is a gift from God.

God bless you ❣️

I will not be poor

This is an amazing article for you

A praying woman also deserves to be pampered and spoilt crazy by her king.

See, If you can hear me dear Kingsman ,

I just think it would be so nice for me to wake up to a romantic text from you sometimes. These things don't cost much, only N4.00 Naira and a little bit of commitment.

A praying woman also deserves to be spoilt. Imagine me waking up to pray at 2am, only to find a delicious text message from you blinking on my phone. After reading it with all the smiles and blushes in Africa, Imagine how that midnight devotion will go? Imagine how much I will be filled with love in that moment to pour out in prayer to my Father. Imagine how proudly I will be approaching the throne room with blushes on my cheeks.

Somethings are just priceless dear Kingman. A praying woman does not need so much to be fed, these little acts of love and commitment is more than enough to keep our knees greased for your battle, our battles I mean.

Imagine if you order me some Chinese food from Ying Yang to help me break my fast?

Imagine if you got me that new book from Pastor Joyce Meyer, or sign me up to courses that will help me advance my career? 🤔

Imagine if you actually sent a taxi to pick me up from work on a given Friday?

I know you are planning to do bigger things for me like buy me a car, a house, a vacation to Seychelles, or maybe you're planning to change my entire wardrobe. I appreciate all of that in advance and I love you, but can you please start with the little? Because these little things means everything to us!

See, Kingman, all I'm saying is, find a way to support your woman's spiritual life. Find a way to encourage her walk in the Spirit.

He who has a powerful weapon should never joke with it or take it for granted. Think Sir, think of little ways to support her devotion, eeem, you don't know what a simple credit alert can do for her on the way to that house care fellowship after a tiring day, hmmm, she will tear the roof down praying with some excitement and romance in her spirit, even the Lord will not help but notice your sweet smelling kindness oozing out of her in His presence.

Hey Bobo, if the Lord should ask me why I'm just over rejoicing in the place of prayer and I call your name, won't you be happy and over blessed?

Sir, if you really want to enjoy this favor I abundantly carry you better learn how to romance me physically, spiritually, and grammatically. Yes, sometimes love come by hearing, hearing by  your words of romance.


War Wife





Written by Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche

"Some time ago, my wife and I went for a meeting at Sheraton Hotels, Abuja, Nigeria. We met a girl who also came to the hotel area for a different purpose, a prostitutious assignment, she was a prostitute. My wife and I decided to preach to her. She was so indecently dressed that her dressing was showing her contours and cleavages. When we called her to preach to her, her sight was so terrible that my wife had to use something to block her widely open chest first before we continued preaching. She gave her life to Christ and we invited her to church on Sunday. But then she said something that touched me deeply, she said: “I don’t have church clothes; I can’t wear the kind of clothes I am wearing now to church.” Now, this is someone who was a prostitute but knew the ideal dress code for church services. She knew that there are clothes a person should not wear and appear before God. 

Meanwhile, some Christians who claim to be in church for donkey years feel that they can wear any type of suggestive clothes to church claiming that a person’s outward appearance doesn’t matter to God. That is a lie from the pit of hell. They claim that God looks at the heart and the outward appearance does not matter. The truth is, whatever is in the heart reflects on the outside. 

For instance, when you look at a ripened mango; how do you know that it is really ripe when you have not tasted it? You know it is ripe because you saw the external appearance of the mango which is a product of the condition of the mango inside. In the same way, how do you know that someone has the spirit of seduction in her? It is the way she appears on the outside. It is what you are inside that shows on the outside.

Beloved, the people of the world know what belongs to the world; but the people of God are claiming not to know. Remember, God cannot be mocked.

It is what you are inside that shows on the outside.

Receive The Grace For Authenticity In Jesus Name!"

Please Share To Bless Someone

Pictures credit: unknown 


When you blow, pleaseDont Explode🤯

I Stumbled upon this article from 2 heavyweight marriage inspiration to me. I joined the articles together.  

I pray God will help you see what He want you to See from this post in Jesus mighty name Amen. 


Social media has made many quick millionaires.

I actively teach about money making and wealth creation, especially using social media and the internet.

But I will not pretend that it doesn't have its down sides.

I have handpicked and groomed promising young women into multi-millionaires but I will not pretend not to know that this can put some pressure on their partners.

Your wife or husband who was asking you for 30k 16 months ago is now doing 50m in revenues monthly. Honestly, it can be a tough pill to swallow.

It is not such an easy thing to cope with.

Yes, you are happy for your spouse but you also feel a sort of pressure to step up or catch up, or be left behind.

So many times when my mentee reaches out to say, "My husband said this or my wife said that, I often would say, "You really need to calm down and understand that this our fast growth is not easy for even our closest of relatives to cope with".

We must learn to put ourselves in their shoes.

We must learn to stop a bit and see through their eyes.

It's not enough to blow.

How is your partner coping with the blow?

Are you checking?

Are you considerate enough to remember that it's a lot for them to swallow?

So this morning, I thought to write about it.

As you dey blow, abeg, be checking on your partner, male or female, and see how they are coping with it.

If you need to reassure, please reassure.

If you need to devote personal time, please do.

If you need to set boundaries to make them more comfortable, please do.

If you need to listen more, please do.

If you need to give more s.e.x, please do

If you need to hold their hands, please do

It is not enough to blow online.

We also want to retain our families and friends through the blow.

So show empathy.

Show that you understand them.

I hope this speaks to someone.

# Written by Mrs  chioma Eze and Madam Ephraim 

A million tongues

A million tongues would never be enough
To tell all You have done
With Everything within my very soul
I say thank You Jesus
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
A million tongues would never be enough
To tell all You have done
With Everything within my very soul
I say thank You Jesus  
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You are faithful
You are good
You have blessed me
More than I dreamed of
You’ve been so good
More than I can explain
You have blessed me
More than I dreamed of
You’ve been so good
More than I can explain
You have blessed me
More than I dreamed of
You’ve been so good
More than I can explain
You have blessed me
More than I dreamed of
You’ve been so good
More than I can explain
You have blessed me
You have raised me
You have promoted me
You have favoured me
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
I praise you Jesus
You have blessed me
You have blessed me
You have blessed me
You have blessed me
You have lifted me
You have lifted me

Watch the live video of this Amazing Song
You have promoted me
You have promoted me
You are faithful, You are good to Sinach
You better put your name there
You are faithful You are good
Put your name there
Put your name there

Written by
Osinachi Joseph Egbu
Published by Integrity Music
Copyright 2024 GosGem Records #sinach#gospelmusic#waymaker#biggerthan#victorysounds#gospelmusic​  #amilliontongues#sinach#waymaker#gospelmusic#worshipmusic

Expensive things are too WORLDLY.... 🤔


Because he's a man of God, he should be using button phones only... said no one ever! 

But seriously, why do we expect spiritual leaders to live in the STONE AGE while we enjoy our smartphones?

Because he's called by God, he should leave expensive suits and go after OKIRIKA suits... because nothing says “HOLY” like wearing thrift store clothes, abi?

Because he bears the name of Christ, he should only purchase LONDON USE—fairly used accessories... because Jesus only wore SECOND-HAND robes, right?

No,...because he's a pastor, all he should have is TOKUNBO cars and wears... because ANYTHING NEWER OR BETTER IS JUST TOO WORLDLY for a man of God, innit?

What exactly are your problems?

If God has blessed a man of God with a congregation (or admirers) that wants to show their appreciation in the form of Rolls Royce vehicles, who are we to judge? 

And let's not forget, most of these churches we are talking about have welfare budgets for the poor that's larger than most state budgets in Nigeria.

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is...... blabla..

So, spare us the sanctimonious lectures about how men of God should be living a life of austerity.

Just because someone is a man of God doesn't mean they can't enjoy the finer things in life naaw.

I mean... because someone is a spiritual leader doesn't mean they can't enjoy the fruits of their labor or bless themselves with nice things. 

In fact, if God has blessed them with abundance, why not? 

This phone is available for sale from a very reliable company at Pocket-friendly rates with good features for browsing and making calls amongst others. Message me now for your own. 

As long as they're not stealing from the poor to fund their lavish lifestyle (ahem, unlike some governments we know).

These men of God are not the past administration that brought us to this state. 

They deserve even more beautiful things.

May they not fail God. (This applies to women of God too) Including Children of God like me 🙂


I added some curry and spices to this writeup but it was actually sent in by. 

~ Ajagunsegun Oluwadamilola 

Feel free to contact me for your


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The Choice of who to marry.


~Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 

After salvation, the most important choice you will need to make is who to marry. This choice is so important that if you miss it, you will suffer for long, if you get it right then you will enjoy forever.

A bad marriage can affect every other area of your life. This subject is so important, so many married people are hoping to be single again so as to make the right choice.

If you are single please don't just be in a hurry to get married, you have the best opportunity to prepare for it. For two people to come together to live in peace and harmony, they must agree spiritually, mentally and physically.

Just like an elephant cannot marry an ant so also a believer cannot marry an unbeliever. If an elephant marries an ant how would they live, if a goat marries a fish where would they meet?

You must look for a Godly man or a Godly woman to marry, nothing can beat this.

In my Village Church/mission  🏠 house 

The devil's primary target is the family. He knows that everyone belongs to a family and if he can make two wrong people meet then he has succeeded affecting the community and nations negatively.

Ignore your age and the pressure for a moment, the pressure in a wrong marriage is far worse. God has somebody for you but you must set your priorities right.

What do you need in a woman? What do you need in a man? Marriage is not about what you want, it is about who you need, and that will make you better while you make him better. It is about destiny. That is why you must know your purpose before you get married. Genesis 2:18.

You must pray before you choose. God knows the best person for you, it is only wise to seek His will. It is very easy to know God's will when sex is not involved. The moment sex is involved and you want to know His will then He will blank you out. Why? Because you have broken His first Law of NO SEX before marriage.

If you have had sex in the past then you need to repent totally and stay away from each other for some time then you can seek the face of God. Your marriage will not be hell on earth. Your marriage will be honourable in the name of Jesus Christ.

Don't marry for sex, don't marry because you are of age, don't marry because you are getting old, don't marry because you are lonely, don't marry because you need someone to support you financially, don't marry because you mistakenly got pregnant, don't marry because you don't want to lose the person, don't marry because of family pressures, don't marry because you like the idea of marriage and admire every wedding gown you see, don't marry because all your friends are getting married but get married because you want to fulfil destiny. Get married because you want to be a help mate. As a man, get married because you want to fulfil your purpose. 

God will help you in choosing, please let His will be done in your Life. Amen!

Culled from 



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