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 The demonstration of love by God was demonstrated through giving. For God so loved the world that He gave Jesus Christ to die for you. 

It's through His Blood that we are free from sin and we can get covenant wealth (Original blood money) Igbos will call it 'Ego Obara'. 

The devil always has a counterfeiting of what Jesus did at Calvary just to steal, kill and destroy which is his major ministry on earth. Don't be deceived. Jesus has already paid the price for your kingdom wealth. 

True wealth however is not just in what you have in your bank account or purse. It could be ideas that would change your financial level when implemented. 

JESUS Christ died and rose again to make you wealthy. The Bible is filled with stories of how Jesus made use of money for the furtherance of His ministry while He was here on earth. He even had a financial assistant (Judas Iscariot). Christ was made poor so that you and I can be made rich. 

So, anyone who desires fulfillment of purpose here on earth could make use of money as Money answereth all things.Money is also a defense.  

I’ve shared a few thoughts in the video Below.  Listen carefully and be blessed. 

The purpose for wealth is for the furtherance of the Gospel in any capacity. God's word said If ye be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19

Laws of Prosperity. 
Until you hold God in high esteem and hold his word with integrity, you cannot have kingdom wealth. 

Like someone will say, 'no money, no honey'... (Anyways,  I have my reservations about this statement). 

But one of the major evidence of love is giving. And God's word say, its more blessed to give than to receive. We give tithes, offerings, give to our parents, to the less privileged, orphans, widows, ministers of the gospel who have been a blessing to us. 

Corporate organizations can give to community development projects like road repairs,  road construction, building of community toilets etc. 

So, our obedience to God and our service to Him determines our prosperity. 
If they obey Him and Serve him, they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures. Job 36:11.

Majority of what I know about kingdom wealth is what I learnt from the Bible through God's servant and Prophet with Spiritual authority when it comes to the area of wealth and riches, Bishop David Oyedepo and I recommend all of his books in this aspect and they can be gotten in Dominion bookstore and major Christian bookstores globally including Amazon. 


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