After you have realized your full financial potential in God through the death and resurrection of Christ, it's of great importance to note that God uses various channels to bless His Children. Its in very rare occasions that you have money just appear to you.
We can decide to learn a trade ,a skill or even get a job or start a business. Avoid idleness as this is the devil's workshop. Do something. Even Jesus worked while on earth, so you have to work. โค
You can learn shoe making, bag making, catering, baking,website design, graphics, forex trading, physical trading, hairdressing, soap making, farming, real estate, e-commerce and the list is endless.
After you have attained a level of mastery, you can then begin to market your skills. God blesses your handwork. Don't copy anyone, learn a trade based on your interests and passion or as led by God. Seek His direction and help. I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help comes from the LORD, Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121
The business world is highly competitive and ruled by ideas. Learn to put God first then watch Him act on your behalf. Don't forget to embrace new technologies and techniques in your business, marketing, packaging etc.
Learn to give honour to whom honour is due and watch God show up for you. Do your work with integrity, don't cut corners.
You must be born again by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, before you can receives them. You can do so right now as you say this prayer: โLord Jesus, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious blood. Today, I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Thank You Jesus for saving me! Now I know I am born again!โ
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