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Thanks to God for Fellowshiping with people of God.

 The ASSURANCE of Faith 

Trusting God is something that is easy when you know who God is. That's when you can truly understand what God wants from you. 

Most times,  somethings can't happen as we plan due to some obstruction that are of course man made and authorities in place/ positions but God sends His ministry of Angels to help you out and He just makes it beautiful in His own time. 

Me planning to go and do my Father's Business this Early Sunday Morning 🌄 

Someone will just sit inside vehicle and be thinking I know where they are.... Anyways I dey go White house to do my Father's Business  😌 


When God is the only person who dey with you, you won’t fail trust me. 

Just trust Him with your heart 

With your life

That He who sent you , will help you accomplish that assignment. 

Help you to be successful in that business. 

Don't even try to explain to anyone, God has the capacity to proof Himself because most times, people will only hear what they want to hear about you or from what you're saying. 

I am really grateful to everyone who has prayed for me personally or generally. I wish I knew who you are aside from my Families. 

But the God of heaven will grant you all your heart desires. 

Also, if I forgot about your special occasions, please forgive me but honestly,  I  don't go to places I'm not invited to. I no dey pass my boundaries. ( Pidgin English for I don't cross my boundaries)

I need someone who is very good with Cartoons that can be used to describe simple messages. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME

( It's not for free, you will be adequately paid) 

The Spirit of God moves like a mighty rushing wind and can lead me as He desires, in the meantime I remain where He led me to. I'm not into 'Agbere Ijo'. If He sent me to a place, I'll obey His instructions. 

That's called the simplicity of Faith 

( Childlike faith, just like Peter when He walked on water, fear not He has the capacity to proof Himself and defend himself)

ICOBG! (What does this mean? ) Many things I want to type but I'll just stop Here for the right time, but I believe that God Himself will reveal to you whatever you need to understand in Jesus mighty name Amen. 

Stop arguing about scriptures.... Learn to Relax.... God is in control and He has the power. Just submit to the HolySpirit daily and Die to Self daily to the flesh and fleshly desires  .

 It's a daily affair as I read from a book by a Great Minister of the gospel Gbile Akanni.  

If our paths haven't crossed in a long while, then we will meet at the Top. 


Through the inspiration of the HolySpirit,  I have written this post that can help individuals in handling relationships, in marriage, workplace and anywhere else. 

Check them out here

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