Call me on this Number: 234-8067-704671

Are you dealing with Stress?

I've been out of a STRESSFUL situation for a month now and I'm just amazed at how it's so easy to LET GO of that situation and allow God take control. 

This Great Minister of the gospel Don Moen will say

" Cast your Burdens upon the Lord 

He will protect you 

He won't allow your foot to be moved" 

But as for me I will call upon God and my God will save me. 

Morning and Evening and at noon will I pray and cry aloud..

He shall hear my voice. 

1 Peter 5:7 

Stop stressing yourself out about issues that you cannot control. Rely on God. 

When ever I  have some issues that I can't handle and I've tried my possible best to get things done, I just take my rest in God and allow God take His rightful place... 

Jesus knows tomorrow better than me, thats why I allow His to take His right position..... Thats the Driver's Seat. 

Me: Singing ' Jesus Take the Wheels' 

Take it from my hands..... 

Cos I can't do this on my own.... 

I'm just letting Go...

 ( Please, if you are Driving a Physical vehicle at this point, I'm not referring to you) ... 

I say a big thanks to God for helpers and Supernatural expected and unexpected Provisions even though I didn't ask for it. 

Shout out to CEO of Telegram. Please Free Duvoc 

God bless you. 

For Collaborations, Support, ideas and more

Advert placement contact me on +2348067704671 

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Acc Name: A.M GRACE 


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+234 - 80 6770 4671. 



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