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Navigating through John

This month of August, I'll be navigating through the Book of John in the Bible and  Ill be digging deep through the help of God and His Spirit. 

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I honestly wish I could find a personal teacher in this field of dissecting and digging to excavate strategically every 'Treasure' form each verse of Scripture. 

Some people are just so busy or confused these days. Some treasures should be excavated with care so you don't dig out fragments but get the treasure in full ... ( Whole cities or buildings have been discovered before through archeological Survey and excavation. 

( It left for you to understand) 

Just like how you handle some ceramics in your home or an egg....

 (It just the way it is.... May we not fall into the hands of those who deliberately or unknowingly decide to destroy their fellow humans with weapons as powerful as WORDS... ) 

Isaiah 54: 17 No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and any tongue that shall rise against me in Judgment is condemned forever in Jesus name Amen. 

When studying the Bible,  you need to brush the layers of the word, Chew it and meditate and even regurgitate on it day and night. Josh 1: 8. 

How can a person's heart be longing for someone who you haven't met (one on one) before? (God o) This is how convictions and conversion of souls occur. 

You cannot say to an individual that he/she must be saved immediately you approach them, that's why we need to pray first before and during any outreach for the HolySpirit to do His work in the hearts of the readers, hearers. 

Let every stony heart be worked on by the Hammer of the word. ( Few days back, I misplaced a padlock key to access my container  and I went to get a hammer but didn't know how to handle it properly.

So I called an experienced professional in the field of ' hammering'😳 and he was able to use the right part of the hammer to break open and I got access to the place. ) 

This is just to illustrate what it means to have the right person who can do the Job because not everyone who claims to be a Phamacist,  Doctor, Teacher is really 'Qualified' for the task. (Especially when it come to health issues) .

In a city like Ibadan where we find a lot of local people (Artisans)  who do not want to work or do what you hire them for. They just drop materials and you won't see them again until you start looking for them with Policemen. 

May God help us and deliver us from quack Professionals physically and Spiritually. 

Its time to get busy with other things as I no know road to the destination except God, so I need to Keep following Him as He holds my hands and leads me through. Amen. 

You have captured my heart 

Consumed my heart 

With your Love 

I love you Jesus 

If all I say is Jesus Jesus Jesus 

Thats more than Enough. 

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