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My Personal Health and wholeness Retreat

As I moved from City to City in my Personal health and wholeness Retreat ... I can be your tour guide for any city in Naija. 

Please Do not read this writeup if you don't  like Christ based writings.

Writing this from a church around where I grew up in this 6th day of August, 2024. Its amazing to see how the road is been worked on in this ancient town, I pray they can actually finish what they started because e never reach our side. 

( Why do Politicians put their pictures on Sign posts ? 

It is the responsibility of any politician to work and do the necessary things for the members of the community.  

(God is gradually drawing the year to a beautiful close) May God almighty be praised.

As you Step into your church, fellowships, Shops, Offices, this week and let others See Jesus in you just as He moved through His prophets and servants at the just concluded RCCG CONVENTION. 

May the Lord Jesus continue to preserve us.

When Christ which is our life shall appear  again, those who are in Christ will see Him face to Face, be with Him. May we not miss this  glorious day.

(The Marriage Supper of the Lamb of God)

 Do you know about this? I'll write about this soon.

As for me I want to be with Him when he returns for the rapture or for those who are old and die in Christ. The number of our day will be fulfilled in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Come and see Jesus Christ who saves, heals, delivers and sets free from all boundages of the devil in our services as God's servant ministers live.

Glory to God.

Are you weak and heavy laden , cumberred with a load of care?

Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in Prayer, do you find a friend so faithful as this ? 

That's the only place to find rest with all the protests, killings, negative happening in the world today . Learn to pray for your family. You need God, you need a pastor to submit to.

Trust me, anyone who is under no authority is scary.

Thank you  and remain blessed .

( Do not read )
I've taken my time now to study happenings in my life. Career wise, business wise, health wise as I take this massage in the Pharmacy....

I also observe how people behave, then older people who have grand children. I may be writing to one person but another person will be seeing something else (God help us).

The one that beats my imagination is In- laws. What do you call the Sister of your Sister in Law?  Or Brother of your SisterinLaw) 🤔 Confused?

Feel free to send me your post or write ups and I'll post/publish them here.

( No other way to reach some people but through mediums like this) Selah!

I'm still want to see Apostle Joshua  Dance Live because I've never seen him dancing in the Lord before. 

Bishop David Oyedepo can dance 

Pastor Oyedepo Jnr Can Dance 

Bishop Abioye Dey Dance unashamedly

Same with Dr Paul Enenche. 

✌ Peace. 

I need 50,000 Mah power bank and external drive.... Where we dey go again?
 ( I no know road) ðŸ¤” 

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